Season’s Greetings from Sabourin Lake Lodge!
With the sound of the first float plane landing on the water and taxiing to the dock, to the excited laughter and buzz in the dining room, it finally felt like things were right in the world again. We were beyond happy to see life begin to return to normal. There were hiccups throughout the summer – stringent travel rules, crazy commercial airline schedules, lost luggage, but guests took the problems in stride and were thrilled to return to Sabourin, their oasis of peace.

We’ve missed seeing everyone these past two summers; however, our work crews took that time to transform the lodge. They were able to take the Williams family’s vision and bring it to life: an expanded dining room, a TV area with a bar, new bathrooms, a completely new kitchen and staff dining room, and the best thing of all, the Hook Shop is now right beside the office. Not only was the essence of Sabourin preserved, the renovations flawlessly kept the character of the lodge.

Another great addition to the Sabourin family is our chef, Saksay. Saksay has over 22 years of lodge experience and his steak and lobster rival the best in the world. He has plans to revamp the menu and we look forward to the guests enjoying his culinary delights.
With the additional snowfall, the water levels were the highest that anyone could remember. All of our shore lunch spots were completely submerged under water and the guides had to scramble to find alternative places for cooking. The guides, true professionals that they are, were able to continue to serve the mouth-watering walleye that everyone dreams of. They never disappoint!
Two years of rest on the water made for aggressive fishing this season. We gave out 2187 trophy pins:
1371 for Northern Pike which were 36” and over
404 for Walleye 24” and over
381 for Bass 15”and over, and
31 for Perch 12” and over.
Of the 1371 Northern Pike released, there were
238 which were 40” or more
61 Walleyes were over 27”
112 Bass were over 17”
We also presented 92 Triple Crown pins to anglers who caught and released trophy fish in 3 species. There were 14 Grand Slam winners that caught trophy fish in all four species. Our numbers of trophies were definitely higher this year, but even better was that everyone commented on the health and girth of the fish. Our practice of catch and release ensures the continuation of a fishery that is second to none.

We’d love to see you next season!
We’d like to thank the staff of Sabourin Lake Lodge. They are the backbone of the operation and we are so fortunate to have so many return year after year. It is their hard work and dedication that makes Sabourin what it is.
We will be open from May 19 to September 15, 2023. For reservations, please email or call 1-888-722-6874. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season! Our New Year’s wish is that you get to spend more time doing what you love to do! Fred, Susan and the Williams family